Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 22-25: Keeping It Up

I spent two days on the road, and yesterday recovering from that. I still haven't had any soda, which is actually somewhat miraculous.  On Saturday, we were up at 4 am to get out of the house by 6 and in the air by 8. Our train wasn't due to depart Salt Lake City until 12:20 am the morning of the 22nd, but by 10 pm we were told it was going to be two hours late and I was already exhausted. I needed energy, and the only drinks available in the vending machine that might have given me the boost I needed was Mountain Dew. My husband even suggested making an exception under the circumstances, but I held firm.

The next day was stressful as we dealt with issues at home that had been neglected in our absence and tried to find solutions. Fortunately I was too busy to be overly tempted by soda. Today, however, I found myself staring with some longing at my husband's soda and the 2 liter bottle they bought while I was sleeping last night.  Still, I resist because honestly it's not worth going backwards in my progress. A year's a long time, but I've done well so far and I want to keep it that way.

That's another life lesson: Victory comes through meeting little challenges every single time with the end in mind, and not giving in to the thought that it's just this once.  Sure, I can start over again if I have to, but the truth is that every time you give in it makes it that much harder the next time you have a battle against temptation.

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